Honda with World Quality, the Choice of Indonesian Farmers and Fishermen!

Honda with World Quality, the Choice of Indonesian Farmers and Fishermen!

16 December 2020 | by : hppi


In 2020, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) again distributed 21,382 units of oil conversion program (BBM) to LPG Converter Kit, which includes the Honda GX200T2 SGND, Honda GX270H QGN, and Honda GX390T2 QGND for target fishermen in 17 provinces, 42 districts / cities. And 9,462 Honda WB30XN NFG water pumps that run on gas for target farmers will be distributed in 6 provinces, 24 districts / cities.

The process of appointing Honda as part of the Program shows that the Government listens to the aspirations of fishermen and farmers who want a reliable and fuel efficient engine. Based on the average data of fishermen who have used LPG as fuel, there is a significant savings for fishermen compared to using gasoline fuel. Fishermen fishing for 10 hours, using gasoline fuel costs Rp 6,450 per liter and on average it takes 7 liters. This means that fishermen need to spend Rp. 45,150 for gasoline fuel. With LPG, you only need 1 tube, at a price of IDR 17,000 - IDR 18,000, so you can save IDR 27,500 per day. If you go to sea for 25 days a month, you can save almost IDR 700,000 per month, saving more than 50%!

Not only that, together with ESDM, Honda also provides technical assistance before the machine is used by farmers and fishermen, and provides guaranteed after-sales service with 2S dealer networks throughout Indonesia.

With this achievement, Honda is committed to continuing for supporting government programs to achieve energy security and improve the welfare of Indonesian farmers and fishermen as National Food Heroes.