Tips for Storing a Generator Properly

30 December 2023

generator storage tips

A generator at home or in a business place is beneficial during power outages. However, when the generator is not used regularly, it is essential to store it properly to maintain its condition and ensure optimal performance when needed. Below are some tips for keeping a generator that you can follow.

The Importance of Proper Generator Storage 

Storing the generator is crucial for preserving its condition and extending its lifespan. By holding the generator correctly, you can avoid issues with the generator's engine and reduce the cost of repairs or replacement.

Moreover, storing generators can prevent damage to their components due to corrosion or environmental factors. It also helps avoid hazards of fire or explosions if the generator is stored improperly.

To store the generator properly, you need to pay attention to several aspects, such as maintaining generator cleanliness, checking the oil and fuel, and inspecting the physical and mechanical condition of the generator's engine.

It would help if you also considered the storage environment for the generator, such as keeping it away from flammable or corrosive materials and maintaining stable humidity and room temperature.

To maintain generator cleanliness, you can regularly clean the generator of dirt or dust using a soft cloth or brush. You should also routinely check the oil and fuel conditions of the generator and replace them when necessary. Regular inspection of the physical condition and performance of the generator's engine is also required to prevent any damage or leaks.

When choosing a storage location for the generator, ensure it is safe and free from the risk of fire, flooding, or explosions. The storage area should also have good air circulation and keep the generator away from flammable or corrosive materials.

Maintaining stable humidity and room temperature is essential to prevent damage to the generator's components due to unfavourable environmental conditions. Therefore, following the good tips for storing a generator is necessary to ensure it can be used to its maximum potential when needed.

Read also: Understand the Damage That Often Occurs in Generators

7 Tips for Storing a Generator Properly 

Ensure the generator functions well and has a long lifespan; proper maintenance is required during usage and storage. Here are several tips for storing a generator properly that you can follow to maintain its condition and extend its lifespan.

1. Turn off and Cool Down the Engine 

Before storing the generator, please turn off the engine and let it cool down. It would help reduce the engine temperature and prevent damage to engine components.

Once the engine has cooled down, check for any signs of leaks or damage in parts such as the fuel lines and cables. If you find any damage or leaks, repair them immediately before storing the generator.

Ensure that the generator's fuel tank is adequately filled before storage and that the fuel valve is closed (off).

2. Pay Attention to the Storage Environment 

In addition to turning off the engine and cleaning the generator, you should consider the storage environment. Ensure the generator storage area is clean, dry, and protected from rain and direct sunlight.

If you store the generator indoors, ensure proper ventilation to maintain air circulation. Also, avoid keeping the generator in a damp place or where it can be exposed to water, as it can cause corrosion inside the engine.

Furthermore, store the generator on a flat, stable surface to prevent it from toppling easily. You can also cover the generator with a cloth or a specialized generator cover to protect it from dust and dirt.

3. Regularly Check the Generator's Condition 

It would help if you routinely inspected the generator's condition before and after usage. It helps identify any issues or problems with the generator's engine.

Check the engine oil level and top it up if necessary. Replace the oil and air filter of the generator before storing it for an extended period. It helps maintain the engine's condition and prevents dirt and dust from entering during long-term storage.

You can also inspect the generator's cables and battery connections. Ensure that the wires and battery connections are in good condition and tight. If there is any damage or corrosion on the wires and battery connections, repair them immediately before storing the generator.

4. Run the Generator Periodically 

To ensure the generator remains in good condition over an extended period, generator's situation in the long run, it is advisable to start it periodically. Run the generator for approximately 10-15 minutes once a week. By running the generator regularly, you can also identify any issues with the generator's engine before actual usage. If any problems are detected, repair them immediately to prevent further damage.

5. Avoid Storing Fuel for Extended Periods 

It is recommended not to store fuel in the generator's tank for an extended period. Energy stored for a long time can cause deposits and residue formation, damaging the engine components. Moreover, aged fuel can produce acids that can harm the fuel tank. Therefore, fill the fuel tank adequately.

6. Store the Generator in the Right Place 

It is advisable to store the generator in an appropriate location to protect it from environmental factors that can cause damage. For example, store the generator in a dry, clean area and avoid direct sunlight. Also, avoid keeping the generator in a humid place or where it can be exposed to water, as it can cause corrosion on the generator's components.

Furthermore, ensure the generator is stored and easily accessible for regular maintenance and inspections. It will facilitate proper maintenance and care of the generator.

7. Perform Regular Maintenance on the Generator 

In addition to proper storage, regular generator maintenance is crucial to maintain its condition and prevent damage. Some maintenance tasks that should perform include:

  • Regular oil checks and oil changes.

  • Air filter inspection.

  • Spark plug inspection.

  • Fuel system check.

  • Cooling system check.

Regular maintenance can extend the generator's lifespan and avoid significant repair costs due to engine damage. Therefore, schedule routine maintenance to keep the generator in optimal condition.

Read also: Generator Maintenance Schedule (Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly)

Storing a good generator is essential to maintain its engine's condition and extend its lifespan. Following the mentioned tips for keeping a generator, you can prevent damage to the generator's engine and reduce the cost of repairs or engine replacement.

If you are looking for a generator for various needs, visit the official Honda Power Products website to find a generator that suits your requirements.

Honda Power Products Indonesia

Honda Power Products menyediakan mesin serbaguna, generator, pemotong rumput, pemotong sikat, pompa air, dan mesin tempel.

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